Manager’s Message

Sanaye Chasb Sina Co., has been founded in 1991 with the aim of manufacturing various types of adhesives. Fabricating products based on technologically-advanced science and equipment as well as customer’s demands is what this company has always focused on very strictly.
Innovation, good quality, appropriate service and customers’ satisfaction have constantly been high on the company’s agenda.
We are proud to have won our consumers’ trust and will make every effort in order for our products to meet our clients’ demands.

Managing Director
Saeed Goudarzi

Field Of Activities / Brands

Sanaye Chasb Sina Co., is a privately-owned company, has consistently strived to prepare the ground for a highly desirable relationship with customers; this goal has been specifically achieved through manufacturing premium quality products, reasonable price and offering customers’ consultive services.
At the present time the very high production capacity as well as diversity enables us to fulfill the requirement of our customers.
The products of Sina company find application in Shoes/Leather, Bags/Suitcases, Furniture/Upholstery, Floor covering, Packing, Construction/House repair, Woodworking/Plasterwork, Bookbinding and General purposes.
Sina, Iran, Charogh, Tiger and Keyhan are the registered trademarks of Sanaye Chasb Sina Company.

Quality Policy

Sanaye Chasb Sina Co., strives in all fields to satisfy the customers’ desires and enhance product quality. Hence premium quality management system, ISO 9001 has been settled in the company since 2002.
The very fundamental policies adopted by the company are as Follows:

  1. Attracting and retaining customers through manufacturing high quality adhesive products and offering unique services as far as safety and price are concerned.
  2. Respecting personnel’s rights
  3. Gaining access to mutual profitable connections with providers
  4. Manufacturing new products
  5. Export expansion and capturing new markets


Sina head office strategic location (the city’s business district) facilitates customers’ affairs and expedites the trend of offering proper services.
Also, the factory has been located in Hashtgerd industrial area, 70 Km from Tehran.
The factory’s accessibility to transportation routes and the area’s desirable weather condition are some of the very advantageous features of its location.

Certificates And Awards

Since its establishment, the company has been making constant progress and this fact is due to the very strenuous and continuous efforts of the caring staff on the one hand and appropriate investment in research and development on the other.
At the present time, the majority of cities in Iran as well as neighboring countries have been covered by the company’s powerful sales and distribution network.
Quality Awards and Certificates demonstrates upward movement of Sanaye Chasb Sina Company.

Research And Development

Relying upon the latest scientific and technological studies in manufacturing adhesives and considering their vast range of applications, the company’s technically-supportive staff along with well-experienced sales team manage Research and Development Committee, playing a very effective role in fabricating new products, promoting the quality and market demand identification towards local and export sales

Customer Survey, Customized Product And Consultative Service

Customer satisfaction survey defined to be implemented regularly towards customer retention and higher revenue.
Sanaye Chasb Sina Co., try to identify customer’s level of satisfaction with an existing product, and to discover their express and hidden needs.
Customizing products and consultative services deliver true customer value and achieve superior competitive advantage.


Selecting and training highly professional and motivated staff has always been of primary importance. Accordingly, we have managed to orchestrate such a powerful group through which all the company’s thoughts, plans and ambition can come true.