The factory’s advanced equipment and facilities have laid the foundations for optimum conditions to manufacture a wide variety of high quality products in large quantities.
Furthermore, advanced laboratory instruments -considering quality control, research and development- fully guarantee to maintain the desired quality of products in all stages of fabrication and packaging.
In 2012 , Sanaye Chasb Sina’s laboratory use ISO/IEC 17025 to implement a quality system aimed at improving their ability to consistently produce valid testing and calibration results, the basis for accreditation.
In pursuit, Sina’s laboratory recognized as an accredited lab by The Institute of Standards & Industrial Research of Iran (ISIRI).This will guarantee the highest level of confidence and quality in the obtained test or measurement result, providing many value-added benefits to its customers.
The laboratory accredited to perform Solvent/Water based adhesive as well as pressure sensitive adhesive tape testing via ISIRI1174/3264/8007 respectively, appropriate to the scope of its activities.